Aspects of multiconfessionalism and human geography in early modern Cyprus from the Venetians to the Ottomans (CyChrist) (POST-DOC/0916/0060)

The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation has been awarded a contract to carry outpostdoctoral research on “Aspects of multiconfessionalism and human geography in early modern Cyprus from the Venetians to the Ottomans (CyChrist).” The projectsecured funding following a call for tenders in the “Didaktor” (Post-DoctoralResearchers) programme, part of the “RESTART 2016-2020” programmes of theResearch Promotion Foundation. With this success, the Cultural Foundation leads theway in research excellence as a recognized research institute in its own right. Theproject is led by Dr Ioanna Hadjicostis, director of the Cultural Foundation, assisted bythe young research assistant Dr Chrysovalanti Kyriacou. It will delve into unchartedterritory: the coexistence of various Christian confessions in Cyprus between 1560 and1670 (multi-confessionalism).It will moreover investigate perceptions about this multi-confessionalism in early literature (human geography) by exploring the characteristics of Christian coexistence in Cyprus and the effect on shaping views in Cyprus and Western Europe about Cypriot identity and human geography. Applying innovative transdisciplinary methods, “CyChrist” will be the first initiative investigating the various primary sources in the Collections of the Cultural Foundation – unpublished and unexplored material including maps, manuscripts, incunabula, pamphlets and etchings. The project’s actions include the publishing in digital format of the first English translation of an important manuscript codex (B-030) from the Foundation’s Collections. The publication will be freely accessible to the public. Lasting three years, the project is part of the “2014-2020 Competitiveness and Sustainable Development” Operations Programme, co-funded by EU Structural Funds.

BOCCF Conference Borderland 6-7 May 2022 Programme Abstracts

CyChrist Educ Booklet July 2021-1-4