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Manuscripts and Rare Books 15th–18th Century
From the Collections of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation

The book includes 181 manuscripts and rare books dating from the 15th–18th century from the Collections of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. Manuscripts and books alike are either fully or partially pertinent to Cyprus, touching on various sectors of its history. They range from travelogues by well-known travelers of the time to the conflict between Venice and the Ottomans or even topics related to history and politics. Entries are complemented with bibliographical data and subject indexes. 

Author: L. Navari
Category: BOCCF Collecion
Series editor: L. Navari
2010 / 21,5 × 28 cm / 424 pp. / 200 colour photographs / hardbound

ISBN: 978-9963-42-874-8 / Greek edition: 978-9963-42-916-5