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BOCCF Collections

Launched in 1987, the “Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation Collections” series includes nine separate publications featuring manuscripts, incunabula and printed editions dating from the 15th to the 20th century.  The Foundation aspires to transcribe, translate and publish the primary historical sources with a critical overview before making them available to the public.

Manuscripts and Rare Books 15th–18th Century
From the Collections of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
Ο Louis-François Cassas και η Κύπρος / Louis-François Cassas and Cyprus
Έξι πανομοιότυπα από τη Συλλογή Χαρακτικών του Πολιτιστικού Ιδρύματος Τραπέζης Κύπρου / Six Facscimilies from the Εngravings Collection of The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
Venetian Letters (1354 –1512)
From the Archives of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and other Cypriot Collections
Avvisi (1570 − 1572). The War of Cyprus
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation Collections
Κύπρoς 1191 – 1489. Σταυρoφoρίες και Φραγκoκρατία [Cyprus 1191 – 1489. The Crusades and Frankish Rule]
Κατάλoγoς έκθεσης σπάνιων εκδόσεων [Exhibition Catalogue of Rare Editions]