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The Cradle of the Olympic Games

The volume traces the historical development of the sacred site of Olympia from the end of the Neolithic to the Roman Period. Emphasis is placed on the construction of the temples and other buildings across different periods in time. Extensive reference is also made to the most important exhibits of the Museum of Olympia, including the renowned sculptures of the pediment of the Temple of Zeus and the metopes depicting the feats of Hercules, the statue of Hermes of Praxiteles and the Nike of Paionios. A special chapter is devoted to the Olympic Champions votive offerings. Another chapter deals with the birth of the Olympic Games, the Olympic program and different athletic events as well as the Games’ evolution over 1200 years, from 776 BC to 393 AD.

Joint publication of the BOCCF and Militos Publications

Author: X. Arapoyianni
Category: Joint Publications
2001 / 25 × 34 cm / 408 pp. / illustrated / hardbound

ISBN: 978-960-8460-22-5 (Greek) 978-9608-4602-87 (German) 978-9608-4604-23 (French)