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Δελφοί [Delphoi]
Δαυλός και Δίαυλος Πολιτισμού [Torch and Channel of Civilisation]

The book gathers recent findings in archaeological research; a scientific monograph based on original research. The text by Elena Partida includes references to the monuments and artistic workshops, the topography of Delphi, the roots and nature of Delphic worship, the incarnation of Apollo Pythius and his temple, Pythia and the process of giving prophecies but also to the consultants and votive offerings.

Joint publication of the BOCCF and Militos Publications

Author: E. Partida
Category: Joint Publications
2004 / 25 × 34 cm / 317 pp. / illustrated / hardbound

ISBN: 978-960-8460-53-9